The Weekly Round-Up No. 5


Sorry I've been away. I've just felt a bit overwhelmed and swamped with uni and had to prioritise. Nonetheless I definitely need to work on my time management much better and I promise I'm going to commit and this won't be happening again. Although there was no weekly round-up I did work really hard on my #BodyProud Tag which if you have read or seen I shall link here, and here. Please do get involved and let me know why you're #BodyProud :)

This time I have a vlog from my #vlogtober series for you, as well as a main channel video on my some of my favourite films. Make sure to check them out, like, comment and subscribe :)

The time is currently 11:51pm on Monday October 26th and in my vlogtober part 8 I vowed to write this post. So even though it's rather late, I'm typing ever so carefully not to smudge my freshly painted nails and I'm catching up on Made In Chelsea I'm gonna write this up to post it anyway.
Life as per usual has been exhausting but our installation for the FANN exhibition and I feel rather proud to be honest. So if you are in the Norwich area its up in the Castle on the top floor - have a look and let me know what you think. I did manage to vlog it so when that's up I'll definitely link it. Considering we made all the elements individually and managed to curate a set up in about 30 minutes I'm rather impressed and continue to wear a massive grin on my face. Go architecture year 1 @ NUA!
I also did slack quite a bit on the vlogging front but with deadlines looming I was far too stressed to vlog so I thought it best not to push my high-strung mood on you all. But I must say that I'm thoroughly enjoying the vlogging and editing process. I can't say I used to love it per say, but I've grown far more accustomed to it.

As always I've much to share on the music front so here it is.
Cigarette Song by Raury - but LOVING Raury's latest album 'All We Need' in general A-MA-ZING
Remixes from Lianne La Havas' 'Blood' album - Unstoppable FKJ Remix & What You Don't Do - Tom Misch Remix. I've been listening to my favourite band The Carnabys latest album 'No Money on the Moon' and it just reminds me of and makes me feel at home. I can never recommend them enough so do go and check them out. Such a nice bunch of lads.
In other news Adele is back and better than ever. With a comeback single like that I should just preorder the entire album. It's so refreshing to watch a music video that's actually representative of the lyrics of a song. The video is shot beautifully, well considered and deserves an award. Big love for Adele and Xavier Dolan did SO good. (Xavier happens to be the director of one of my favourite films, 'Mommy' - it's bloody brilliant!)

Thanks so much for reading.

Much love,

Margaret xXx


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