Ne Plus Hésitation: Blogging More Candidly

I've touched a bit upon the hesitation I've felt to blog as of late here, a couple posts back. I feel like most of the blogs I read or engage with have such a high level of finish and quality to them and I feel as though I seriously lack in finesse. But this has led to a lack of content leaving my blog at a complete stand still. Part of my New Year's resolutions was to get better at vlogging and blogging, yet though I've been uploading videos so much more regularly than before, once again, I've let blogging slip. I've definitely been working on some blogposts but have been terrified to hit publish. I dread saying the wrong thing, or be misunderstood, but have come to realise that I've been putting far too much pressure on myself. So I'm deciding to take the plunge. Especially with my last post, which probably didn't make much sense as it had little context but was something I created and just felt like sharing, not for anyone in particular but for myself. So, sharing it, in video form I got some feedback which made feel so incredibly elated. My viewers connected to my content in such a way I didn't fathom was possible, so it was an absolute honor to have an indirect impact on someone through the medium of a video blog. This has really spurred me on to switch up my content more. Funnily enough the content of said video was a poem, so a piece of writing. A medium I'm shying away from despite actually I'm not too bad at it, whilst also having a positive impact in some way.

So I just wanted to finish by saying that I'm going to give blogging a real go this year. Lily Pebbles, mentioned in one of her vlogs how she was stuck in a rut with blogging, but when she just wrote what she felt in the stylistic format of a diary/journal, everything flowed and she really felt fulfilled. I'm going to try and take blogging back to its bare roots of just writing what I feel like writing, whenever I want to. This might mean that I won't keep my New Year's promise of publishing a post every week, because a schedule over here seems too forced and I'm not trying to produce content just for the sake of getting something up. I want to really mull over what I want to post and be happy and proud of it even. Yet still I'm going to blog with less hesitation, but not without purpose.

I really like the idea of blogging about what I want to, like a journal. I've stopped myself from creating/sharing so much content over fears of it not being professional enough, compromising what it is to be me and share who that is. So I'm just letting you all know that this is the direction this space I have here is going. Another influencer/creator I love is Gracie Francesca, and I've been engaging with her blog more recently and I love how candid and raw she is with her content. And it's so incredibly liberating and uplifting to read so I though I'd give her a mention too because she's an absolute babe!

Thanks so much for reading,

Margaret xXx 


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