Taking Some Time For Yourself

The date is Wednesday June 28th and it's an overcast day, here in Norwich, England. And I've woken up in the mood to just tap out, to somewhat disconnect myself from the world. 

So for me this means to live without as many notifications as possible, meaning off go the wifi and data roaming on my phone. I didn't want to turn it off completely, incase if someone definitely had to get in touch I could be reached, since I was doing this as a whole day thing. As a opposed to just blocking of a period of time during the day. I had the luxury of it being my summer holidays and a day off work so I took the liberty.

Just before sitting down to write this post, I read an article about going on airplane mode to have a moment to live in a bubble without notifications which I thought very apt so I'll link it here for you to have a look at if you'd like to.

I started this day with a book, Arden Roses's 'Almost Adulting' in fact. I've been really enjoying this a lot, I can't say I've finished it yet, but I like to read in small bursts. I really love the way she's written it, her diction seems to be something quite different, but it feels like Arden is just chatting away to you so I like that quality it has to it. I'll most likely do a post/video and review the whole book, but for now it's a solid love from me. I also watched 'Submarine' which is one of my all time favourite films. It features Craig Roberts - who might I just say is a wonderful actor,  and it's directed by Richard Ayoade also a person worthy of note. It's based on the book by Joe Dunthorne which I'm currently listening to via Audible and Roberts is narrating which makes me very happy I'd like to add

Next I popped to the store, to get myself some breakfast and, though I didn't know it at the time, some flowers too! Re: the flowers, earlier in the week I had watched videos from Carly Rowena and The Anna Edit where they both talked about buying flowers for yourself. 

I though this to be a lovely thing to do so I bought myself some! I did um and ah at some sunflowers since yellow is ma thang, but decided to go with a bunch of tulips. Blue toned pink and bright yellow ones. The pinky ones actually blossomed into the very deep crimson deep-blue tinged red and the yellow one went more golden.

They are dying now, so I've finally sat down to draw/paint them, it's a shame they're dead now that I've got round to it! I also got some freshly baked bread - because it has been my latest obsession, herbal tea and clementines.

So after having made myself a cup of tea, left the flowers to breathe in the sink, warmed and buttered my bread I looked to Netflix for some escapism and entertainment. I sought to watch 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off' I thought it fitting seeing as I was having a day off of sorts myself. My housemate and friend Declan had also mentioned that it was a cracking film - one of his favourites, so I thought it should be good. And it was! Like really good, surpassed all my expectations good. It was fun, had depth, and had me invested in the story. Towards the end, I was on the edge of my seat holding my breath. It's definitely a feel good movie - highly recommend. And Matthew Broderick is quite the charmer isn't he?! 

Once I was done with the film, I took to entertain myself with some doodling and painting. I'm not very good and have been out of practice for a good while but there's something so cathartic about it. I plugged in my aux, hooked it up to my phone and quietly blasted my stereo. 

It felt like being back in high school Art class. I dabbled with just painting freehand without having drawn guides in pencil before hand. It was quite freeing actually, lovely in fact.

I also got out some of my brush pens and did some shading to existing drawings as well as practice some details like noses, eyes and what not. 

It got to a point where I was all tuckered out and felt a bit done with all the painting, also I did need to let it dry and my pages where pretty full, so I watched yet another film. This one was a French on called 'Un Peu Beaucoup Aveuglément' which essentially means blind date. And it's about this budding pianist, Machine played by Mélanie Bernier, who moves next door from Machin, played by Clovis Cornillac; a very clever and anti-social personality who has an aversion to any new tenants next door.

The premise is that the party wall that divides them sits on the boundary between two different arrondissements but it's hollow which means that they can hear everything the other is doing. They eventually begin dating without ever seeing each other, hence the title, and the film explores the intricacies of this. When Nalini came to stay we watched it and she was absolutely hooked! It's funny too and sometimes very over dramatic, but it's self aware which I love!

Overall I'd say the day was a success. There was a great deal of relief I felt when I put my head on my pillow and turned my internet back on. There may have been snap streaks lost, but that's okay. It was important for me to just a take a break and be with myself. As an ambivert (but more so on the introverted side of things) I crave solitude to my sanity, and to recharge.

I cannot tell you how drained I was feeling beforehand, whilst knowing of the social occasions I had later in the week, for which I had to be on form for, so it felt oh so necessary to take a sep back. Having this day to tune out of the everyday noise was just sublime, I was refreshed and happy even. I encourage you to take some time for yourself, whether that be surrounding yourself with your favourite people, engaging in a hobby you enjoy or just simply turning your phone off for an hour to just have a moment. Just give it a try and you'll be relieved that you did.

Thanks for reading by,
much love,




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