MAKE UP: Superficial or Skin Deep?

More often than not, cosmetics are thought to go hand in hand with superficiality and sometimes insecurity or low self-esteem. Whilst sometimes, this may be the case, it can be so much more than that.

 I must admit, when I was in middle school I thought it to be something girls did for someone, like for attention of boys, and not for themselves. But upon stumbling upon the online sphere and community of beauty bloggers + vloggers I've discovered that I was wrong to think that. And whilst it can be empowering to go bare faced, it's just as empowering to cake on a full face of makeup to, to take on the day.

Now that my beauty routine has become sort of a ritual for me, I've been enlightened at how much of a boost the act of putting on my face, let alone what the results of my efforts, do for me. I often describe it as something similar how to a guy might feel putting on a suit; there's just something about it that makes you feel put together, giving you this mindset, a sense, that you could take on the world and do anything. I feel like this especially when I'm wearing my signature red; MAC's Barbecue lipstick in a retro matte finish.

Having that time to at the start and at the end of the day, just to myself, for myself is so refreshing - and I never get tired of it. Especially when it's term time and things are hectic, my beauty ritual is usually the only time I get to myself, so I relish and savour it greatly. I'll usually have some music play or put on a YouTube video and try to enjoy the touch of self care I need to keep me sane.

What are your thoughts on cosmetics and if you think there's more under the surface?

You may think is sad, tragic even that those items on that shelf cheer me up and improve my mood, but I think its empowering. That those small, seamlessly insignificant things can brighten my mood and make me feel so incredibly self assured about myself.

If you would like to know what's on my face, check out my Bronzed Fresh Glowy Natural Makeup + Skincare tutorial I filmed for my channel.

Thanks for reading by,
much love,




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